RNAJunction Database - Search - Results


5 Entries Found - Displaying 1 to 5

Entry no. 1792 Classification:HS1HS8HS7
Name:1JZY_j3_A-C2788_A-G2806_A-U2853 Angle(s):38:130:164°
Entry no. 2033 Classification:HS1HS8HS7
Name:1K01_j3_A-C2788_A-G2806_A-U2853 Angle(s):39:131:165°
Entry no. 5832 Classification:HS1HS8HS7
Name:1SM1_j3_0-C710_0-G746_0-C769 Angle(s):21:150:168°
Entry no. 7877 Classification:HS1HS8HS7
Name:1VS6_j3_B-A2813_B-G2831_B-U2878 Angle(s):34:133:165°
Entry no. 9436 Classification:HS1HS8HS7
Name:1YL3_j3_A-C697_A-G733_A-C756 Angle(s):27:150:165°

5 Entries Found - Displaying 1 to 5


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