CorreLogo Submission Form: example tRNA fragment


All you probably have to do in order to run this example is to click "Submit Query" at the bottom of this page. If you want to run your own set of sequences or you want to customize the output, enter values into the sections one to three of the form below (sections 2 and 3 are optional). For more detailed information consult our help page.

Background of example sequences:

The sequences provided in this example correspond to the tRNA anticodon loop. The alignment is derived from the Rfam entry of tRNA. In order to obtain a simple example, the original Rfam seed alignment with 1114 sequence was modified: only 20 representative sequences are used, the alignment was "collapsed" with respect to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae PHE-tRNA sequence (K01553.1) (this means that all columns corresponding to a gap in that sequence were removed). Also only the section of the alignment corresponding to the anticodon loop is used for this example (nucleotide positions 25-50 with respect to K01553.1).

Page with empty sequence text area

3. Customize generated output (optional)

Note to the user regarding default max and min values: The default settings are currently set to give the user an idea of what the output looks like. However, the user should feel free to alter these values to change the resolution of the results i.e. how much noise should be included in the answer which may obscure, for example lower stacks if max is set too high. Please also see help information for further details.
