RNAJunction Database - Search - Results


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Entry no. 3766 Classification:2HS8HS3HS3HS6HS2
Name:1NJM_j6_0-G44_0-G156_0-G192_0-C208_0-A239_0-C439 Angle(s):17:35:52:56:65:71:82:105:116:119:122:124:159:163:172°
Entry no. 3906 Classification:2HS8HS3HS3HS6HS2
Name:1NJN_j6_0-G44_0-G156_0-G192_0-C208_0-A239_0-C439 Angle(s):17:35:52:53:65:71:82:104:117:120:121:123:156:165:171°

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